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Gwiezdne wojny: Część III - Zemsta Sithów

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
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Gwiezdne wojny: Część III Zemsta Sithów
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Nie sądzicie, że scena likwidacji Jedi (sposób wykonania) była ściągnięta z Ojca Chrzestnego i sceny wyrównania rachunków przez Michaela Corleone? Lecz pierwowzór był niewątpliwie lepszy. No cóż, Lucas przynajmniej wzorował się na najlepszych. Jednak mógł wymyśleć coś oryginalniejszego.

A teraz trochę humoru:
Gdyby Lucas i Coppola wspólnie napisali dialogi...
Dooku: "Anakin will never come to the Dark Side"
Palpatine: "Fear not my friend. I'll make him an offer he can't refuse"
Mace Windu: "Palpatine. I always thought it would be Dooku"
Anakin: "It's the smart move. Palpatine was always smarter"
Obi Wan: "How's Mace?"
Anakin: "Oh, Mace... won't see him no more"
Sidious (widząc spalonego Anakina): "Look how they massacred my boy"
Sidious: "Want to know my secret of successful hiding? I'll tell ya. Never let anyone outside the family know what you're thinking"
Yoda (na Kashyyku): "On Endor, Ewoks are more dangerous than Wookies"
Yoda (po uniknięciu zdrady klonów): "Goddamn clones don't respect nothin'"
Anakin: "My master is no different than any powerful man, any man with power, like a president or senator"
Amidala: "Do you know how naive you sound, Annie? Presidents and senators don't have man killed"
Anakin: "Oh. Who's being naive, Amidala?"
Mace Windu (do Dooku na arenie): "Now you listen to me, you smooth talking son-of-a-bitch. Let me lay it on the line for you and your boss, whoever he is. You'll never win this battle. I don't care how many dago guinea wop greaseball goombahs come out of the cave"
Anakin (odzyskując zdrowy rozsądek): "Can you drag me out of the lava, Obi? For old times' sake?"
Obi-Wan: "Can't do it, Annie"

ocenił(a) film na 5

dobre podoba mi sie :)

(cholery mozna dostac z tym forum... ze 20 razy probowalem dodac ta odpowiedz)

ocenił(a) film na 2

Wogóle pomysł z rozwiązywaniem kulminacji w kilku miejscach naraz w starej trylogii był inspirowany "Ojcem chrzestnym", czego Lucas nie krył. Również milczące zakończenia wszystkich filmów sagi to dziedzictwo po "Ojcu chrzestnym".


Interesujące, niektóre teksty brzmią naprawdę zabawnie.


Chcecie więcej? :) To fajna zabawa.

Vader: "It made me think of what you once told me: 'In five years the Sith family will be completely legitimate' That was eighteen years ago"
Imperator: "I know. I'm trying, darling"
Anakin (Do Amidali): "I'll change; I'll change. I've learned that I have the strength to change"
Dooku: "Yoda is to strong, my master. I could not destroy him"
Sidious: "If anything in this life is certain, my friend, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone"
[Na Gwieździe Śmierci]
Tarkin: "I saw a strange thing today. Some rebels were being arrested. One of them pulled the pin on a termic-detonator. He took himself and the captain of the stormtroopers with him. Now, soldiers are paid to fight; the rebels aren't"
Vader: "What does that tell you?"
Leia: "It means we could win"
[ po pojedynku na rzece ognia]
Anakin: "I hate you!"
Obi Wan: "Annie, you're nothing to me now. You're not a brother, you're not a friend. I don't want to know you or what you do. I don't want to see you at the cantinas, I don't want you near my ship. When you see master Yoda, I want to know a day in advance, so I won't be there. You understand?"
Anakin: "You..!"
Obi Wan: "We were like brothers!"
Anakin: "Never! I've always hated you! I was always using you for my purposes.. always.. you hear me..? Ah! It burns!"
Obi Wan: "But now I've the higher ground. And believe or not, you stll gonna burn"
Vader (o Obi-Wanie, po transformacji): "He was stupid. I was lucky. I will visit him soon"


Gościu, jesteś świetny, może od razu cały scenariusz napiszzesz? Ja był bym zdecydowanie za!


Zgadzam się, też jestem za. Miło poczytać coś zabawnego w tych nudnych czasach.


Ej. Przeceniacie moje zdolności. Ja tylko przerobiłem cytaty z "Ojca Chrzestnego" wzięte z IMDb. Dorzuciłem kilka innych cytatów i szczyptę własnych pomysłów i oto gulasz gotowy :) Ale niewiele mojego w nim udziału.

To już ostatnia porcja:

Vader: "Join me Luke. We will destroy the Emperor and rule the galaxy together!"
Luke: "Never! ... well.. on second thought why not? What about the Emperor?"
Vader: "The Emperor? The Emperor has been dying from the same heart attack for the last twenty years. A small shock will do the trick"
Luke: "So you suggest... It's awful! He's an old man!"
Vader: "This is the business we choose"
Luke: "So, you say Vader killed my father?"
Ben: "Aye, it was so.."
Luke: "I sense a change in your voice.. You're hiding something from me!"
Ben: "Luke.. we have to help Leia.."
Luke: "Don't change the subject! Tell me!"
Ben: "What? About your father? Or Vader?"
Luke: "Just tell me the truth!"
Ben: "Goddamn, boy, you can't handle the truth!
Vader: "I want you all to enjoy my presence, so uh... enjoy"
Sidious: "Lord Vader? Rise"
Sidious: "How do you feel now? Is the suit comfortable?"
Vader: "I'd give four million credits just to be able to take a piss without it hurting"
Sidious: "Ah, yes, my friend. Good health is the most important thing. More than success, more than money, more than power"
Vader: "Obi Wan never told you what happened to your father"
Luke: "He told me enough! He said you killed him!"
Vader: "No. Here I am, looking at you, kid"
Luke: "?" [chwila napięcia i niepewności u widowni]
Vader: "I am your father".
Luke: "Noooo!"
Anakin: "Don't leave me here. What will happen to me?"
Obi Wan: "Frankly, my friend, I don't give a damn"

ocenił(a) film na 8

Likwidacja... ja osobiście miałam raczej skojarzenia z obozami koncentracyjnymi i/lub napalmem (nazwa ukryta pod kodem, 'rozwiązanie problemu'). Ale czemu nie.

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